Mała punk

Temat: U2
Znalazłem to wcześniej niż przypuszczałem: (info i zdjęcia dzięki uprzejmości depe)
tak więc wspominane już wcześniej Slane Castle: U2 Go Home: Live From Slane Castle' 2xCD + t-shirt
Z Sydney wyszło cosik takiego: (2cd audio):
Odnośnie daty premiery DVD z Sydney w wersji 'fanowskiej' (czy w ogóle taka będzie?), to nie mam pojęcia.
Oprócz tego:
Melon CD 1995
Hasta La Vista Baby! U2 Live From Mexico City (CD) 2000 U2.Communication (CD+CD-ROM) 2005
Temat: U2
...Polish accents on the Vertigo Tour continued.
On The 15th of July in Amsterdam while picking up a Polish flag during New Year's Day, Bono surprisingly changed the lyrics to "The crowd has gathered in Red and White" again remembering the Chorzow show.
Few days later, as the cameras were rolling in Milan, on the 21st of July - again during New Year’s Day - a Polish flag was laid on the stage (clearly to see at "The End” of the Vertigo clip on the
U2 Communication CD). Hopefully the whole Polish flag moment was recorded and will see the light of day sometime in the future on the Dvd.
On the 5th of August 2005 in Nice, unbelievably, another Polish flag took the stage yet again, of course - during New Year’s Day.
Before we end this story, there is still one more emotional chapter to it… (coming back to Paris).
The story of the "Why not in Poland” flag came to a full...