Mała punk

Temat: UKUSA
...of satellites of those years, the system consisted of three to five satellites, on or two of which were usually placed on orbit in the region of the Indian Ocean and two or three over Africa and the Atlantic Ocean.
The terrestrial component of the system consisted of three large complexes for controlling the satellites and for reception and processing of data. These were located in Pine Gap (Alice Springs, Australia), Harrowgate (Menwith Hill, UK) and Fort Meade ( NSA Headquarters, Maryland). The complexes are interconnected by secure satellite communications links, but the most valuable intercept material is regularly delivered to the US from Australia by military transport aircraft.
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i jeszcze tam:
na str. 6 wymienia się lądowe komponenty satelitarnego systemu SIGINT. Baza w A.S....
Temat: UKUSA
These were located in Pine Gap (Alice Springs, Australia), Harrowgate (Menwith Hill, UK) and Fort Meade (
NSA Headquarters, Maryland).
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