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Temat: Coś zupełnie z innej beczki
Witam wszystkich
Posiadam telefon nokia 6020 kupiłem sobie kabel do połączenia komórki z komputerem jednak komputer nie może zrealizować połączenia. Miałem zaistalowane takie programiki jak: Nokia PCSuite 65 oraz 66 i w dalszym ciągu to samo. Potem ściagnąlem sobie mobimb 3.2 oraz Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia gsm phones w dalszym ciągu nie moge się polączyc z telefonem. W ustawieniach kabel jest zainstalowany pod portem com3 i tak samo ustawiam w tych programach. Nie wiem może trzeba jeszcze ustawić coś w telefonie ?
Prosze o pomoc.
Temat: bookmarks ozbdv
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Temat: Major Midibox error, bypass capacitors!
...polite with your words ! - It's not fun to read your comments ! - It's always easy to find something wrong -> don't critizise - change it. SO....... WHERE IS YOUR (ABSOLUTLY PROOFEN) LAYOUT ? means: if you know it better - thats fine - just give us a link where we can download the new EAGLE files. After doing this you'll earn our respect. Not before. If you just want to join the community with your (unfair) comments please go and build some more
GSM phones or what ever such an "expert" has to do. We go on building our stupid midiboxes and having fun with them ! ;D By the way: My mobile phone is more often damaged than my midibox..... @SMASH I think it's not worse to get angry on that comments. Just go on. You also do a good job ! (ćhm...I still do my layouts by myself... hope you won't kill me.. ;) I think it's a kind of boring for me to read useless things like RFI , EMI or other...