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Temat: webalizer ... prosba
...) A to już mamy problem :( umozliwily prawidlowa konfiguracje. Webalizer korzysta z logów apache (bo i z czego :)) więc w apache To żeby zamiast IP były nazwy co oczywiście kosztuje że przy każdych odwiedzinach apache spradza z dnsem nazwe HostnameLookups On reszta w webalizer.conf # The MangleAgents allows you to specify how much, if any, The Webalizer # should mangle user agent names. This allows several levels of detail # to be produced when reporting user agent statistics. There are six # levels that can be specified, which define different levels of detail # supression. Level 5 shows only the browser name (MSIE or Mozilla) # and the major version number. Level 4 adds the minor version number # (single decimal place). Level 3 displays the minor version to two # decimal places. Level 2 will add any sub-level designation (such # as Mozilla/3.01Gold or MSIE 3.0b). Level 1 will...